In this simple and very striking painting in oil, I have tried to depict a worker in his typical dress in paynes grey, sitting on the same colored stool with his back towards the viewer and against the lines of ropes above him. A brown colored dog is shown sleeping near the sitting worker on the colored ground. The entire scene image is set against yellow ochre.
I have tried to express the stark reality of the impact of recession on jobless worker, who sits in sad and disappointed mood in hope of getting some job. The sleeping dog also indicates the idle and restful condition of the worker. The five ropes above symbolize the hope of some job for the worker because the ropes always help in uplifting things.
This painting with its overall sense of silence and restful condition truly and artistically brings out the sad reality of the effect of recession on the workers, here a workers of a ship.
Bansilal Dalal (Art critic)
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