An arresting moment of a sailor’s son in winter jacket and hat closely standing near his father and drinking water from his father’s water bag has been captured and immortalized in this visually impressive painting in black and white tonalities against light turquoise blue background. There is contrast in the child not using his own water bag hanging behind his back.
The wrinkles and points as well as the smooth texture of the jackets enhance our interest in the clothes of the figures. Note the big pockets of the child and his father. The faceless father helps in concentrating our attention on the drinking process of the child. Yet we can have a clear image of the face of the dignified personality of the standing father.
In the distance behind the back of the standing father a bridge like structure drawn in pencil against light turquoise blue background can be seen adding a new dimension to the figures in the overall composition.
This imposing composition in vertical format with its expressive human activity and feeling and the distant bridge like structure is aesthetically and visually very impressive and engaging.
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